If you’ve always wanted to open your own business but are short on funds, you might not have to wait. There are some businesses that you can start even if you don’t have a lot of money. The following five brick and mortar businesses can be started with a limited amount of cash.

Coffee Shop

Coffee is cheap and easy to make. You can use this to your advantage and open up your own coffee shop. All you really need is a few large pots, coffee, creamer sugar and cups to serve it in. If you want your guests to stay longer, add seating and reading material for as well.

Thrift Store

One of the nice things about opening up a thrift store is that you can easily find products to sell without having to spend a lot on them. A lot of people are looking for some place to donate items to. You can also use social media to reach out to others to see if they have some items that they aren’t using that you could pick up to sell in your store.

Ice Cream Shop

Who doesn’t love ice cream? Just like with a coffee shop, you don’t need to purchase a lot of items ahead of time to open up this type of business. All you really need are several flavors of ice cream, toppings, bowls, cones and spoons. As you expand, you could always add more flavors or venture out into making other items, like milkshakes or banana splits.


For those that love to bake, a bakery is a great option. Items like flour and sugar are cheap, and you can make batches in bulk before you open so that you can focus on your customers and not have to hire additional help.

Travel Agency

By starting a travel agency you can turn your love of travel into a lucrative business. A lot of people need help when it comes time to book their travel plans, and they are willing to pay for the services of a travel agent. You really will only need a desk, computer and comfortable seats for both you and your customers.

As you can see, there are plenty of brick and mortar businesses that you can start without a lot of money. The key is to first think about what you are passionate about, and then decide how you can turn it into a business. You can read these helpful hints to find out more information about starting your own small business. Keep in mind that it’s okay if you only are able to start with a limited number of items.You can add more offerings once you start making a consistent profit.