
Discovering Excel Through Online Courses


Learning Excel Online There are a lot of workers that utilize programs like Microsoft Excel to get things done inside of the office. Anyone that is able to use a software application to make their job easier will definitely appreciate any thing that will allow them to learn how to use this software better. Microsoft [...]

Discovering Excel Through Online Courses2017-10-11T08:46:37+00:00

QA Leads to Better Call Centers in Multiple Ways


All types of call centers, regardless of their size, depend on quality assurance (QA) specialists to deliver the best results for their clients, their clients' customers, and also for their call center agents. The QA team listens to some or all of the calls made out of the call center each day, listening for best [...]

QA Leads to Better Call Centers in Multiple Ways2017-10-11T08:29:09+00:00
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